Access to Touch Bible for Developers and Webmasters

Developers can have their app link to verses or searches within Touch Bible with URL Schemes! It is so easy and it works from within an app or even a website link. Here is how it works:

Use the following url to lookup anything Search can lookup like this:

Lookup Genesis 15:5 with this url:
touchbibleall://lookup=Genesis 15:5
<a href=”touchbibleall://lookup=Genesis 3:1″>touchbibleall://lookup=Genesis 15:5</a>

Lookup 1 John 1:3 with this url:
touchbibleall://lookup=1 John 1:3
<a href=”touchbibleall://lookup=1 John 1:3″>touchbibleall://lookup=1 John 1:3</a>

That’s all there is to it. If your user doesn’t have Touch Bible, their device will instruct them on how to download a version – and Touch Bible has many free versions to pick from! There is no need to use encoding for these URL schemes.

How will you link to Touch Bible? Will you provide your own reading plan from your app or website? Perhaps have your Bible forum lookup a passage from Touch Bible for your mobile users? If you are using it, I would love to hear from you!

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Touch Bible

Touch Bible is the offline, Bible reading, multi-tasking, study library, SIMPLE Bible app for your iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Android, Kindle Fire, Chromebook, Windows 11 and Samsung Tablets or Phones.