All Bible Apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, Kindle Fire & Chromebook

Here is a list of all Touch Bible Apps with a table of the primary differences between each version.

Apple Devices

All versions of Touch Bible include a built-in study library. Macs feature multi-tasking and interface features made for a desktop/laptop.

NameVersionsMore StudyMulti-versionStrongsPaid
Touch Bible 8yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible Loaded8yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible
12yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible
International Lite
12yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible:
1yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible:
KJV + Strongs
1yes yes yes yes

+ includes additional languages!

Android Devices with Google Play

All versions of Touch Bible include a built-in study library. Newer tablets can multi-task and support split screen. Touch Bible on Chromebook can support multiple windows.

NameVersionsMore StudyMulti-versionStrongsPaid
Touch Bible8yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible Loaded8yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible KJV1yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible KJV+ Strongs1yes yes yes yes

Kindle Fire and Amazon Appstore Devices

All versions of Touch Bible include a built-in study library. Newer tablets can multi-task and support split screen.

NameVersionsMore StudyMulti-versionStrongsPaid
Touch Bible8yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible Loaded8yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible KJV1yes yes yes yes
Touch Bible KJV + Strongs1yes yes yes yes