VoiceOver is a feature for the visually impaired. For more details on VoiceOver, visit the VoiceOver pages at Apple.com:
- VoiceOver Video Demonstration by Apple
- Using VoiceOver (Manual)
- iPod Touch & VoiceOver
- iPad & VoiceOver
- iPhone & VoiceOver
VoiceOver & Touch Bible
VoiceOver is specially designed to allow the visually impaired the ability to “feel” his or her way around the screen by announcing what is under the finger as it passes over items.
VoiceOver + Triple-Click Home & Touch Bible
VoiceOver isn’t meant to be used by individuals with normal vision. Any Touch Bible user with a device with iOS 7 or newer can use the built-in bible reader found in Dial-a-Verse. Press Look-Up and press the triangle Play button.
Tips VoiceOver & Touch Bible
- All primary app buttons are located at the top of the screen.
- All features have “Hide” button at the top, and take up the full screen on the iPhone/iPod Touch except for the Notes Window and Dial-a-Verse. Other windows have the “Hide” buttons at he bottom of the window, but not at the bottom of the screen.
- The Notes Windows is not full screen and allow Bible text to be viewed at the bottom of the window.
- Use “Keyword Search” to look up scripture by typing out a passage, such as “John 3:1” (that is J O H N space 3 colon 1).
- Chapter and Verse numbers are required when searching for scripture in the keyword search.
- Passages can be abbreviated, below is a chart of allowed abbreviations.
- Under standard usage, the “Look-up” button is used to select passages by opening the Dial-a-Verse feature.
- Dial-a-Verse uses pickers. With VoiceOver, pickers on iPhone lag, meaning the item spoken isn’t always the item selected. It may be easier to avoid Dial-a-Verse and use the Keyword Search instead.
- If you still prefer Dial-a-Verse, open the “Options” button, and set “Auto Dial-a-Verse” to OFF
- When navigating the Dial-a-Verse pickers, tap the screen two times with a short pause in between to ensure you have selected the right item.
- Above the Pickers are “Done” and “Apply” buttons. Use those to open the selected passage.
- Dial-a-Verse resides at the bottom of the screen when open. The “Done” button hides Dial-a-Verse.
List of Bible book abbreviations & spellings
Abbreviations | Spelling of abbreviations | Full Book Name |
Gen | G e n | Genesis |
Exod | E x o d | Exodus |
Lev | L e v | Leviticus |
Num | N u m | Numbers |
Deut | D e u t | Deuteronomy |
Josh | J o s h | Joshua |
Judg | J u d g | Judges |
Ruth | R u t h | Ruth |
1 Sam | 1 space S a m | 1 Samuel |
2 Sam | 2 space S a m | 2 Samuel |
1 Kgs | 1 space k g s | 1 Kings |
2 Kgs | 2 space k g s | 2 Kings |
1 Chr | 1 space c h r | 1 Chronicles |
2 Chr | 2 space c h r | 2 Chronicles |
Ezra | E z r a | Ezra |
Neh | N e h | Nehemiah |
Esth | E s t h | Esther |
Job | J o b | Job |
Ps | P s | Psalms |
Prov | P r o v | Proverbs |
Eccl | E c c l | Ecclesiastes |
Song | S o n g | Song of Songs |
Isa | I s a | Isaiah |
Jer | J e r | Jeremiah |
Lam | L a m | Lamentations |
Ezek | E z e k | Ezekiel |
Dan | D a n | Daniel |
Hos | H o s | Hosea |
Joel | J o e l | Joel |
Amos | A m o s | Amos |
Obad | O b a d | Obadiah |
Jonah | J o n a h | Jonah |
Mic | M i c | Micah |
Nah | N a h | Nahum |
Hab | H a b | Habakkuk |
Zeph | Z e p h | Zephaniah |
Hag | H a g | Haggai |
Zech | Z e c h | Zechariah |
Mal | M a l | Malachi |
Matt | M a t t | Matthew |
Mark | M a r k | Mark |
Luke | L u k e | Luke |
John | J o h n | John |
Acts | A c t s | Acts |
Rom | R o m | Romans |
1 Cor | 1 space C o r | 1 Corinthians |
2 Cor | 2 space C o r | 2 Corinthians |
Gal | G a l | Galatians |
Eph | E p h | Ephesians |
Phil | P h i l | Philippians |
Col | C o l | Colossians |
1 Thess | 1 space T h e s s | 1 Thessalonians |
2 Thess | 2 space T h e s s | 2 Thessalonians |
1 Tim | 1 space T i m | 1 Timothy |
2 Tim | 2 space T i m | 2 Timothy |
Titus | T i t u s | Titus |
Phlm | P h l m | Philemon |
Heb | H e b | Hebrews |
Jas | J a s | James |
1 Pet | 1 space P e t | 1 Peter |
2 Pet | 2 space P e t | 2 Peter |
1 John | 1 space J o h n | 1 John |
2 John | 2 space J o h n | 2 John |
3 John | 3 space J o h n | 3 John |
Jude | J u d e | Jude |
Rev | R e v | Revelation |